Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day 2011

Tampa, 6/14/11

As we observe Flag Day today, I thought we should take a look back at why the U.S. was formed and why we are here.

For centuries the European countries were being terrorized by religious zealots that were forcing their beliefs on the world. If you didn't believe exactly as they did, you were tortured or killed. The Catholic Church was leading some of the worse terrorism of the times. The Church of England .. a spin off of the Catholics .. was also involved as were many of the splinter 'religions' of the day. The people eventually had had enough and decided to brave the seas to go to the 'Promised Land' of the new world.

They had hoped that by starting a new country with a new form of government, “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” with the idea of freedoms that they didn't have back in the 'old country.' Freedom of tyranny, freedom of religion and from religious persecution, freedom to speak out, and many others that they had only dreamed of. They fought bravely to defend those freedoms, a fight that continues to this day. Millions have died to preserve the freedoms that they had dreamed of.

So, today, over 200 years later, where do we stand? Well, those freedoms exist for some but not all. The chruches are back in power. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The things our fore fathers fought against are now back … maybe not to the extent of those times but, none the less, they are here again.

  • They say there is goverernment tyrany when in actuality tyrany means abuse of powers. Cutting programs that help people while giving breaks to wealthy is a real abuse of powers.

  • Religious freedom means not only freedom to practice a religion but freedom to not practice one. So called religious people are trying to force their beliefs at any cost. The dominate religious sect, Christianity, used to belive in the teachings of Christ. Today many of it's followers have no idea of the actual teachings they profess to believe in. Instead of love and compassion, they teach fear and hate.

  • The freedom of speech is limited to those who support certain beliefs. During the last presidency, if you spoke out against the 'party' you could be arrested. That same 'party' is controled by two groups, the extremely rich and the extremely religious. They are even trying to re-write history to suit their own needs.

We observe Flag Day... a symbol of what this country is supposed to be...what our fore-fathers wanted it to be. We haven't made it yet. In fact we have a long way to go. Someday, maybe, all will have equal freedoms and be able to live equally with the same rights, and then Flag Day will be something to celebrate.

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