Thursday, October 20, 2011

It Gets Better

Today we wear purple in remembrance of all the teens that have committed suicide or are thinking of it. Many are pushed into it by bullies. This is something that cannot be tolerated. Bullying comes in many forms...persons at school or work and parents and siblings are the ones that do the most. School kids can be very mean and hurtful thinking they are having fun. Parents do it by forcing beliefs and feelings on their kids. Bullying is a learned behavior. It comes from what your parents, preachers and peers taught . It is a form of hatred and is against everything that most religions believe in. Christ, for example, taught love and compassion, the exact opposite of bullying.
If you are a parent of a boy that isn't the star athlete or a girl that isn't the beauty queen, never tell them they are wrong in what they feel. Encourage and love them as they are. A boy that likes colors or likes the piano could grow up to be a world class artist. The girl that likes to play sports could be a politician when she gets older. If you try to force your beliefs and your wishes on your child ... you will force them out of your life. They will either run or end it.
If you are a victim of a bully, there are many people who will help. I have links on the side of this page for some groups. You can also contact School officials or contact your local MCC, Unitarian, or Church of Christ. They all will help. If you don't know where to find it Send me an e-mail at and I'll try to help.

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