Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today I received an e-mail condemning a certain religious belief it came from a 'christian' person It claimed that the muslims were trying to take over the US...competition for the mormons and right wing christian groups that are trying to do the same response was...
remember the background of the Catholics... the Crusades or the Inquisition which killed anyone that didn't believe ... the so called christian groups such as the KKK that kills people of different races and the 'Kill a Queer for Christ' group of the Late Mr. Falwell's organization among others. As far as taking over America .. look no further that Utah... the Mormons' are working on that now.

The Constitution of this great land is very clear on the separation of Church and State. The government can not establish a religion nor can a religion run the government. There is NO official religion of the US. Everyone is free to believe or not believe what ever they choose. I am not saying that any one religion is better or worse than any other Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, Judaism, Hindu or Wiccan or any other of the thousands of belief systems. In this country they are all equal and forcing any one on the rest is against the constitution and very Anti-American. To say that any one religious belief is more 'patriotic' that the others is against the very reason this country was founded. Your ancestors came here to escape religious persecution unless they were brought as slaves

Also, take a look at discrimination in this country... it is almost always rooted in the "christian church" .. Women, Jews, African Americans, hippies, gays and now muslims. There has to be an 'Enemy of the Church' for the church to grow and recruit members.
If this offends you... please read the Constitution as well as the bible ... if you belive in it... not part but all of both. The bible says "let he who is without sin cast the first stone' as well as "judge not unless you will be judged. If you claim to be patriotic support our freedoms... all of them. If you believe in a God .. thank the writers of the constitution for giving you the right to believe in the God of your choice and to worship as you wish, or the right not to.

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