Tuesday, December 27, 2011
His message also included a 'prayer' for the poor, as he sits in a gold encrusted palace with servants and limousines and gold trimmed moving platforms for him to stand on so he doesn't have to walk.
All the while this is going on, they are running expensive commercials on TV begging you to 'come back.' And spending millions fighting against rights.
Where in anyone's version of the bible does it say to worship with gold and jewels?
Yes come back to the Catholic Church.. the epitome of hypocrisy.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
My Christmas Hopes....

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Chic-Fil-A .... hummmm
An Open Letter to Chick-Fil-A
I mean, I would like to. Oh trust me, I would! But the beef (ha!) I have with you isn’t about your chicken. Your chicken is actually quite good. Your ongoing support of anti-gay organizations and hate groups, however, is what has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
- Marriage & Family Legacy Fund: $994,199
- Focus On The Family: $12,500
- Exodus International: $1,000
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
forget that the highest appreciation
is not to utter words,
but to live by them."
-John F. Kennedy
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Homophobia means:
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the Realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I did not have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don’t believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male.
I am the boy kicked out of his home because I am gay.
Reblog this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it
Thanks to: http://quasil0t.tumblr.com/
Friday, October 21, 2011
PHANTOM WATER EDIT from Chris Bryan on Vimeo.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
It Gets Better
If you are a parent of a boy that isn't the star athlete or a girl that isn't the beauty queen, never tell them they are wrong in what they feel. Encourage and love them as they are. A boy that likes colors or likes the piano could grow up to be a world class artist. The girl that likes to play sports could be a politician when she gets older. If you try to force your beliefs and your wishes on your child ... you will force them out of your life. They will either run or end it.
If you are a victim of a bully, there are many people who will help. I have links on the side of this page for some groups. You can also contact School officials or contact your local MCC, Unitarian, or Church of Christ. They all will help. If you don't know where to find it Send me an e-mail at teddycares2@gmail.com and I'll try to help.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today We Remember Matthew Shepard

This is from the Matthew Shepard newsletter...
13 Years Later, His Legacy Lives On
Thirteen years ago today, on the prairie east of Laramie, Wyoming, a 21-year-old man was clinging to life after a brutal attack. Two other men, who somehow in their lives came to believe that others could be disregarded, hurt, or even killed, for being different than themselves, had left Matthew Shepard alone, mortally wounded, tied to a fence, at the mercy of the elements.
The Matthew Shepard Foundation remembers Matt every day, as we conduct educational programs about the value of diversity, reach out to companies to ensure equal opportunity in the workplace, and deliver online resources to LGBT and allied young people to lead healthy, productive, hate-free lives.
We implore policy makers to end discrimination, hate crimes and bias in our society. We draw the nation's attention to the scourges of bullying, and parental rejection. We project a message of hope, and a call for personal commitment to change in all of our daily lives. We do this in Matthew's name, and in yours: you, the donors, supporters and activists who make our work possible, and effective.
But every October in particular, we also remember Matt, the person whom some of us were unbelievably fortunate to know. A person who was passionate about social justice, and the plight of those less fortunate than himself. A true friend and a gentle spirit whose imperfections, like all of ours, were vital to his personality and a source for his ambition to make the world better for everyone.
Please join all of us at the Foundation and the Shepard family in remembering Matt today, in your own life, in some way large or small, by "Replacing Hate with Understanding, Compassion and Acceptance."
Thank you for your continued support.
Jason Marsden, Executive Director
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 With Respect
Friday, September 9, 2011
9/11 Memorial near Tampa
A Childs view of 9/11
He passed three years later from the terminal disease that he had been born with.
including his hero, President Carter.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Ten Years Later

Where were you on that fateful morning?
I can remember it exactly. It was a few minutes to nine. I was sitting in my living room watching Good Morning America. They were getting ready to close the show for the day, when Diane Sawyer interrupted the broadcast with a news item about the WTC having an apparent fire. She continued with another update of a possible explosion at the WTC. Then the background pic changed to a live shot of the Center, where you could see smoke coming from one of the buildings. As they speculated on the causes and effects of such a fire... someone mentioned that people were saying it was a small plane that hit the building. They continued filling in as they tried to get more information. Suddenly Diane’s attention was back on something on the screen. Another plane was heading in and then hit the other tower. She yelled out something like “Oh My God, The other tower’s been hit!”
That was at eleven minutes after nine. I continued to watch as I called my friend Cory to tell him to get the news on NOW! He began to freak out as he was watching things develop. We stayed on the phone for several hours as the events of the day unfolded.
I was a bit surprised when they showed the president in Sarasota. There had been no publicity about him being there. Usually when he’d plan a trip to Florida, there would be tons of publicity and his brother, the governor, would show up and make it a big TV event. When the news finally showed him giving a speech from there, I had already seen Air Force One fly over. This was noticeable since at that time all planes had been ordered out of the air. I can remember that timing well as Cory and I were talking about the problems of clearing all the planes out of the air. Where I lived was not in any flight paths, even tho I lived only a few miles north of Mac Dill AFB. So when a very large and loud plane with several smaller jets around it flew over, it got my attention. They were so low that they could be heard coming up from the south. I went out on my balcony and saw them fly over. Several minutes later, they showed Bush on TV giving his speech from Sarasota.
During this time I sent a message to my friend in Kentucky who was an EMT to tell him to watch the news. He had just woke up and had just turned his TV on. We were chatting on our computers about the events and had our cams up. About this time Bush was speaking from ‘somewhere in Louisiana’. As this was going on, my friend’s EMT alert signal went off. He said he had to go ... all EMT’s were being called in to a nearby airport. I mentioned that I thought it was strange since all planes were grounded a bit earlier. He said quickly as he went off line ...’Not this one’. Several hours later he called me, all excited, to tell me that he had to be there for Air Force One landing and the president being driven off. And then later was brought back and they took off. I asked him if he was sure if it was AF1 and he said he was very familiar with that plane.
Over the next few days, we heard of the thousands of rumors and tons of mis-information that had been spread. Some were for security reasons but most were just gossip. One item that I heard and was never confirmed either way was that Flight 93 never crashed but was seen landing in Cleveland and then moved to a private hanger where it was repainted. Lots of questions were raised about many of the discrepancies and all were brushed aside,

Ten Years Later...
I’m sure every network worth anything will have some sort of special or ‘documentary’ on what happened. They will have the gory films and any sensational stuff they can dig up. It will jar a lot of memories and probably cause many tears to be shed...
Many of the questions from that day tho, will still remain unanswered and probably will never be answered.
Questions like ... Why was the military on high alert days before 9/11 but no actions were taken … Why were the various US intel agencies unable to share their information ... Why was the President not in Washington at exactly the time it happened ... Why did he take so long to react ... Why did military jets wait so long to scramble ... Why is it that when they did take off … they went the wrong way ... Why did we spend billions and kill thousands in the wrong country ...
The person on watch when this happened was unable to find the person who claimed to be responsible, because he was too busy avenging his daddy’s name. It took some Navy Seals under the current presidents orders to catch and eliminate him.
There is a monument being constructed, altho several years delayed. There have been many controversies. Some as expected about design and others about who is invited to memorial services. One I agree with is that Politicians and Preachers should not be allowed to speak ... keep politics and religions out of it. Not Prayers, but religious bigotry and hate. They have no place there. It is not a forum to promote causes but to celebrate the lives lost.
It does not matter now who or what really was the cause of it ... it matters that we remember those who were lost and why.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Some updates and thoughts
It 's been a while, so I thought I'd bring everyone up to date on life in Teddy's world.
Joshhy has moved in with his aunt in Michigan for school. I hope he is able to do well there. Joe, another friend of ours is staying with us until he is able to get his own place. Joe works a couple of jobs and is a rather busy young man. He is really friendly, but doesn't know how to cook .... we're teaching him tho.
Both William and I are doing great. We are stocking up on storm supplies. We're just waiting to see what Irene is going to do. One moment she is headed towards Florida the next she is moving east of here then later back to us. In any case she is HUGE and moving WNW. She is expected to become a cat 4 and that is bad no matter where she goes.

I recently met a young man Ryan on his blog. He is a young guy with a BF and a really huge heart. He lives at home with his mom, brother and BF. His blog comments are always very interesting and shows how much he cares about the things he believes in. He works for an animal rescue center and loves his work. Please take a few minutes to check out his blog here.

Monday, August 8, 2011
A Few Thoughts

Well, we made it thru another Government created crisis... sort of. The tea baggers and their friends in what is left of the republican party forced their ideas and demands on the US. This gave us, instead of a tax fix, higher interest rates and lower value of the country. Not to mention how bad the US looks to the rest of the world.

New York passed gay marriage much to the chagrin of catholics and other religious bigots who are still making threats to push their agenda on the world.

Have you ever met an Angel in person? You may have and not known it. I recently met one while exploring blogs. There is a young man who happens to live very close to where I do and has a fantastic blog about his life ... his ups and downs ... his loves and fears... and his likes and dislikes. It is also about his growing up. If you saw him at Publix or the beach or at his work, you'd probably think just another cute young guy ... Until you meet him ... His name is Ryan, his BF is Kadin and their blog is Here Ryan is a fantastic role model and a great example of a teen dealing with life. You rarely find a person with such a fun personality that has such a drive for the things he believes in. To read more about him check his blog at the link above.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
PRotege For Jeremy
This is a Tribute Song that Danny Gerena wrote for Jeremy ... Danny is Jeremy's friend. They grew up in the neighborhood together. It's Awesome! PRotege is Danny's group.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Diagnosis day

This is from Jeremy's CaringBridge page, written by his mother
Last year - I woke up this morning in a room in the PICU of Jackson Memorial hospital with Jeremy. He was scheduled for a test that morning. Marcelo, a resident, came in to have me sign the form and advised me that he needed to have a bone marrow biopsy. When they had taken blood a slide had been made. When they looked at the slide again they saw that the cells were misshapen. This is an indicator of Leukemia.
The doctor came into the room and explained that they would do the biopsy and they could have preliminary results in an hour. Most likely, they would not know anything for 24 hours though.One hour later the doctor returned. My brother was there with me when he said - It is definitely Leukemia - we will know what kind tomorrow.
I could not go back into Jeremy's room. I had to go find a quiet place for about 15 minutes. I went back to his room. Jeremy said, "Mom why are you crying, I am fine." Of course this made it worse. Then he said....."unless you know something that I don't."
I had to tell my son - You have Leukemia.
In a few minutes he asked if there was a treatment, I explained there was. Jeremy took my hand and said, " Then I've got this mom. I can do this." These were the words I held onto to the end.
This was the last real conversation I remember having with my son.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Why Do You Celebrate the Fourth?

Friday, June 24, 2011
One Year Later....
A few years ago an young teen was living with his parents in a South Florida town, going to high school like guys his age should. He was into music, like most teens are. He played sax and joined the school band. A lot of people liked him. He had a close circle of friends as most teens do. His life was going forward as is normal for a 16 year old. His parents loved him, his sisters did too, even though they loved to harass him. He was by all means, your normal average teen.

One warm Florida day in May 2010, his teacher noticed that he didn't look right. His color was off, kind of yellowish. That was the beginning of what was to become the worse two months for everyone that knew him. His parents and close friends were extremely concerned. They stuck by him, cared for him and loved him. His liver had failed, he was very lucky to get a transplant almost immediately. In July 2010 he got sick again ... went to the hospital again ... was diagnosed with leukemia and died in a few days. His family and friends stayed close to him.

WHY SHOULD A 16 YEAR OLD BOY HAVE TO WRITE THIS? What is going on in the parents heads that they can't show this extremely intelligent young man some real parental love?
I don't know how to feel about these two
I don't know where we fall apart
The two who put up with me through all in life
From now right back to the start
I went through ups and downs with them
They never accepted who I was
Maybe I'm the reason we fell apart
Maybe I'm the one main cause
When I was little, I blew out candles on a cake
They rushed over and made a fuss, I didn't really understand
But they were trying to protect me
Blowing out the candles with my hand
When I fell around the corner
I split open my head
We went the hospital to stitch me up
We skipped dinner, you and i didn't get fed
Then when I was 10 I broke my arm, walked in without a word
You sat me down, got a cushion, told me i'll soon be on the mend
We went to hospital, went through red lights
At 60 round every bend
Yous have certainly looked after me the last few years
Through all the good and bad
I don't know where we fell apart
I miss you, mum and dad
All these things you've done
Every present I've been bought
I love you both more than anyone
And you loved me, I thought
When yous asked who Liam was
And I replied to you my boyfriend
You were both let down inside
I don't think you'll ever mend
But its not my fault because of the way I am
If I could i'd change it all
All I want is for a happy family
Not one who fight at every call
We were once that family
Before that fateful day
The day both my parents stopped caring
The day they found out I was gay
Read more at Davie Magill ... this is his blog.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Flag Day 2011
As we observe Flag Day today, I thought we should take a look back at why the U.S. was formed and why we are here.
For centuries the European countries were being terrorized by religious zealots that were forcing their beliefs on the world. If you didn't believe exactly as they did, you were tortured or killed. The Catholic Church was leading some of the worse terrorism of the times. The Church of England .. a spin off of the Catholics .. was also involved as were many of the splinter 'religions' of the day. The people eventually had had enough and decided to brave the seas to go to the 'Promised Land' of the new world.
They had hoped that by starting a new country with a new form of government, “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” with the idea of freedoms that they didn't have back in the 'old country.' Freedom of tyranny, freedom of religion and from religious persecution, freedom to speak out, and many others that they had only dreamed of. They fought bravely to defend those freedoms, a fight that continues to this day. Millions have died to preserve the freedoms that they had dreamed of.
So, today, over 200 years later, where do we stand? Well, those freedoms exist for some but not all. The chruches are back in power. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The things our fore fathers fought against are now back … maybe not to the extent of those times but, none the less, they are here again.
They say there is goverernment tyrany when in actuality tyrany means abuse of powers. Cutting programs that help people while giving breaks to wealthy is a real abuse of powers.
Religious freedom means not only freedom to practice a religion but freedom to not practice one. So called religious people are trying to force their beliefs at any cost. The dominate religious sect, Christianity, used to belive in the teachings of Christ. Today many of it's followers have no idea of the actual teachings they profess to believe in. Instead of love and compassion, they teach fear and hate.
The freedom of speech is limited to those who support certain beliefs. During the last presidency, if you spoke out against the 'party' you could be arrested. That same 'party' is controled by two groups, the extremely rich and the extremely religious. They are even trying to re-write history to suit their own needs.
We observe Flag Day... a symbol of what this country is supposed to be...what our fore-fathers wanted it to be. We haven't made it yet. In fact we have a long way to go. Someday, maybe, all will have equal freedoms and be able to live equally with the same rights, and then Flag Day will be something to celebrate.