Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Did anyone hear the pope's message?  He actually said there was too much 'glitz and glamor' in Christmas!  Look at what he has in his hands.. 24" of solid gold chalice encrusted with platinum and diamonds!  Yes those other chalices and candelabra are also solid gold ... not plated.  His robes have actual gold metal threads decorating them!
His message also included a 'prayer' for the poor, as he sits in a gold encrusted palace with servants and limousines and gold trimmed moving platforms for him to stand on so he doesn't have to walk.
All the while this is going on, they are running expensive commercials on TV begging you to 'come back.'  And spending millions fighting against rights.
Where in anyone's version of the bible does it say to worship with gold and jewels?

Yes come back to the Catholic Church.. the epitome of hypocrisy. 

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