Well, we made it thru another Government created crisis... sort of. The tea baggers and their friends in what is left of the republican party forced their ideas and demands on the US. This gave us, instead of a tax fix, higher interest rates and lower value of the country. Not to mention how bad the US looks to the rest of the world.

New York passed gay marriage much to the chagrin of catholics and other religious bigots who are still making threats to push their agenda on the world.

Have you ever met an Angel in person? You may have and not known it. I recently met one while exploring blogs. There is a young man who happens to live very close to where I do and has a fantastic blog about his life ... his ups and downs ... his loves and fears... and his likes and dislikes. It is also about his growing up. If you saw him at Publix or the beach or at his work, you'd probably think just another cute young guy ... Until you meet him ... His name is Ryan, his BF is Kadin and their blog is Here Ryan is a fantastic role model and a great example of a teen dealing with life. You rarely find a person with such a fun personality that has such a drive for the things he believes in. To read more about him check his blog at the link above.
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