Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Nate Berkus
Nate Berkus on bullying ...Nate is the star of a daily home improvement type show. On his show today he had a gay country western singer and the mother and brother of a gay suicide victim. The brother was awarded the first scholarship for standing up and supporting his brother.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Left in the Dust: GOP: We'd like to help the 9/11 first responders, ...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Who is putting the US in Debt???
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
On Being Thankful
On Being Thankful
Dear God,
I was going to thank You tonight
For a beautiful sunrise,
That was pink behind the fog down the hill,
And for a wonderful rainbow,
That I ran under pointing to
All my favorite colors,
And for such a great sunset,
That sparkled orange across the water.
I was going to thank You tonight
For all of these special gifts,
Except that none of them happened.
But do You know what?
I still love You, God,
And I have lots of other things
That I can thank You for tonight,
Even if you didn't give those
Very special gifts to me today.
It's okay, God,
Because I'll look for them all again,
When my tomorrow comes.
Mattie J.T. Stepanek
November 1, 1995
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
the day we take a few minutes to honour those who have fallen,
fighting for these freedoms we now enjoy.
Please take a personal moment and think about their sacrifice.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Your Voice Matters: Vote TuesdayAre you voting in the midterm elections for Congress on Tuesday? People who don’t want to let LGBT people serve openly in the military are voting. So are the folks who oppose marriage equality, or equal treatment of same-sex couples in the immigration system. They feel like their voice matters and should be heard. Do you feel the same way?
Every two years — and more often in some states and cities — Americans get a chance to weigh in on what kind of government they want, whose values will be incorporated into the laws we live under, and what issues will have priority in our national discourse. Are you making your voice a part of that process?
Perhaps you registered to vote for the first time in 2008 — or the first time in a long time, anyway. Maybe you’re disappointed in the slow pace of progress on LGBT equality — and so are we. But dropping out of the process now is a sure-fire way to make sure that progress stalls completely, or worse yet, is reversed.
Cast your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 2, with LGBT equality in mind.
Don’t remember where your polling place is, or how long it’s open? You can use this special search engine provided by Your voice is your most powerful tool in erasing hate. Please put it to good use!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
From comments on DaDt
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It Gets Better!
Believe me... it does get better! This is fantastic.. Even the President is getting involved!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Will you help or be part of the problem?
I was on the Savage Love site again and after over 250 comments I had to ad this....
Ok … we are off on another tangent again and off subject. KIDS DYING! All most of us do is sit back and blame the other guy. I am not defending the religious bigots by any means. I am saying look in the mirror first. When was the last time you saw a queeny guy walking and shrugged in disgust mumbling “lil fag” or saw a young girl with short hair and denims and thought “dyke” ??? The anti-gay movement wins every time you do that. Until the gay community unites and stops arguing semantics more Kids and adults will die … and if you aren’t doing something positive to help… you are just as guilty of murder as their church and parents.
There are several ‘online’ groups trying to help. We used to have a worldwide voice of gays in MCC which has been mysteriously silent recently. Groups like the Trevor Project and the Matthew Sheppard Foundation are trying to reach out but are limited by finances and overall lack of support from the gay community. I got involved more than 20 years ago when I took in a young guy who had been abandoned by his ‘christian’ parents. This problem is not new just more open. He and I tried to start something then to help but met more resistance than you can imagine, mostly from our own community. “I can’t come out now” “I can’t be bothered now” “it’s not my problem” Ever say that? If so.. You contributed to a death. Sound harsh? Think about the kids that die. So far … 2 out of over 200 have made any type of effort to help. Not a very good average but typical. And that is why we are losing to them.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gays on the teen suicide issue
OK after reading over 200 comments on the Savage Love site ... we need to agree on one thing. We need to do something about bullying and teen suicides. The comments there have done exactly what the anti-gay movement wants us do do. As always, we end up arguing semantics till everyone looses interest. THE ISSUE IS BULLYING AND SUICIDE. We need to get off our asses and DO SOMEHING NOW! It doesnt matter what you look like or think..what matters are KIDS DYING!
Congratulations to DAN for getting involved!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
From Glee ...Support for the Trevor Project
If you want to make a difference.. text the word KIND to 85944 to donate $5 to the Trevor Project thru ELLEN
Thursday, September 30, 2010
We must protect our Teens from Suicide!!!
Our family, and the staff and board at the Matthew Shepard Foundation, are all deeply saddened by the devastating report of at least the fourth gay or gay-perceived teen to commit suicide in this country in the last month.
Reports say that Tyler Clementi, 18, leapt to his death from the George Washington Bridge near his New Jersey college campus after a roommate allegedly broadcast him in a same-sex encounter behind closed doors in his dorm room, and apparently invited others, via Twitter, to view it online. Regardless of his roommate’s alleged tweet, Tyler had apparently made no statement about his own sexual orientation. I’m sure we will all learn more about this terrible tragedy as legal proceedings unfold, but the contempt and disregard behind such an invasion of privacy seems clear. In the meantime, we send our thoughts and prayers to Tyler’s family as they mourn their loss.
In the last month there has been a shocking series of teen suicides linked to bullying, taunting, and general disrespect regarding sexual orientation, in every corner of America. Just a few days ago, Seth Walsh, a 13-year-old in Tehachapi, Calif., passed away after 10 days on life support after he hanged himself. Police say he had been mercilessly taunted by fellow students over his perceived sexual orientation.
Billy Lucas, 15, hanged himself a few weeks ago at his Indiana home after years of reported harassment by students who judged him to be gay. Asher Brown, a 13-year-old in Harris, TX, who had recently come out, took his life with a gun after, his parents say, their efforts to alert school officials to ongoing bullying were not acted upon.
Many Americans also learned this week about Tyler Wilson, an 11-year-old boy in Ohio who decided to join a cheerleading squad that had been all-female. As a gymnast, he was interested in the athletic elements of cheering. He was taunted with homophobic remarks and had his arm broken by two schoolmates who apparently assumed him to be gay. He told “Good Morning America” that since returning to school, he’s been threatened with having his other arm broken, too.
Our young people deserve better than to go to schools where they are treated this way. We have to make schools a safe place for our youth to prepare for their futures, not be confronted with threats, intimidation or routine disrespect.
Quite simply, we are calling one more time for all Americans to stand up and speak out against taunting, invasion of privacy, violence and discrimination against these youth by their peers, and asking everyone in a position of authority in their schools and communities to step forward and provide safe spaces and support services for LGBT youth or those who are simply targeted for discrimination because others assume they are gay. There can never be enough love and acceptance for these young people as they seek to live openly as their true selves and find their role in society.
Suicide is a complicated problem and it is too easy to casually blame it on a single factor in a young person’s life, but it is clear that mistreatment by others has a tremendously negative effect on a young person’s sense of self worth and colors how he or she sees the world around them. Parents, educators and peers in the community need to be vigilant to the warning signs of suicide and other self-destructive behaviors in the young people in their lives, and help them find resources to be healthy and productive. We urge any LGBT youth contemplating suicide to immediately reach out to The Trevor Project, day or night, at (866) 4-U-TREVOR [866-488-7386].
Judy Shepard
President, Matthew Shepard Foundation Board of Directors
remember the background of the Catholics... the Crusades or the Inquisition which killed anyone that didn't believe ... the so called christian groups such as the KKK that kills people of different races and the 'Kill a Queer for Christ' group of the Late Mr. Falwell's organization among others. As far as taking over America .. look no further that Utah... the Mormons' are working on that now.
The Constitution of this great land is very clear on the separation of Church and State. The government can not establish a religion nor can a religion run the government. There is NO official religion of the US. Everyone is free to believe or not believe what ever they choose. I am not saying that any one religion is better or worse than any other Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, Judaism, Hindu or Wiccan or any other of the thousands of belief systems. In this country they are all equal and forcing any one on the rest is against the constitution and very Anti-American. To say that any one religious belief is more 'patriotic' that the others is against the very reason this country was founded. Your ancestors came here to escape religious persecution unless they were brought as slaves
Also, take a look at discrimination in this country... it is almost always rooted in the "christian church" .. Women, Jews, African Americans, hippies, gays and now muslims. There has to be an 'Enemy of the Church' for the church to grow and recruit members.
If this offends you... please read the Constitution as well as the bible ... if you belive in it... not part but all of both. The bible says "let he who is without sin cast the first stone' as well as "judge not unless you will be judged. If you claim to be patriotic support our freedoms... all of them. If you believe in a God .. thank the writers of the constitution for giving you the right to believe in the God of your choice and to worship as you wish, or the right not to.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Showing Gay Teenagers a Happy Future
September 22, 2010, 2:46 pm
Showing Gay Teenagers a Happy Future
A new online video channel is reaching out to teenagers who are bullied at school for being gay. The message: life really does get better after high school.
The YouTube channel, called the “It Gets Better Project,” was created by the Seattle advice columnist and activist Dan Savage. Mr. Savage says he was moved by the suicide of Billy Lucas, a Greensburg, Ind., high school student who was the target of slurs and bullying. The channel promises to be a collection of videos from adults in the gay community who share their own stories of surviving school bullying and moving on to build successful careers and happy home lives. The first video shows Mr. Savage with his partner of 16 years, Terry. The men tell their own stories of being bullied, finding each other and becoming parents. This week I spoke with Mr. Savage about the new channel and why he decided to reach out to teenagers. Here’s our conversation.
Q.Why did you decide to create a YouTube channel to talk to gay teenagers?
A.There was another suicide of a teenager, a kid who was being harassed for being gay. I put up a link to the story, and someone said in a comment that they wished they could have talked to the kid for five minutes to tell him it gets better. That’s always been my reaction too. I realized that with things like YouTube and social media, we can talk directly to these kids. We can make an end run around the schools that don’t protect them, from parents who want to keep gay kids isolated and churches that tell them that they are sinful or disordered.
Q.Aren’t celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Adam Lambert already showing teenagers that it’s O.K. to be gay?
A.They see Ellen and Adam Lambert and Neil Patrick Harris. They’re good folks and important public figures, but those are gay celebrities. What are the odds of becoming a celebrity? What kids have a hard time picturing is a rewarding, good, average life for themselves. Becoming Ellen is like winning the lottery. But there are a lot of happy and content lesbians who we don’t see or hear from ever. Those are the people teens need to hear from right now. When a 15-year-old kills himself, he’s saying he can’t picture a future that is decent enough and happy enough to stick around for. Gay adults can show our present lives and help them picture a future.
Q.The video advice you offer kids is to just hang in there. Why aren’t you telling them that you can help them now?
A.We can’t help them. That’s what makes gay adults despair and feel so helpless when we hear these stories. We can’t barge into these schools. I get to go to colleges and speak, but high schools don’t bring me in, and those are the ages that young gay people are committing suicide. I’ve read these stories for years. Because of technology, we don’t need to wait for an invitation anymore to speak to these kids. We can speak to them directly.
Q.You’re an advice columnist who writes about other people’s issues. Was talking about your personal and family life difficult?
A.It made me more self-conscious. I don’t write about my life in my column. It was difficult. It’s going to be difficult for a lot of people. You can see people revisiting this part of their lives that they wanted to forget about. I don’t like to think about what school was like for me. It kills me when Terry talks about it because he suffered so much. The thing that was also difficult, we didn’t want to seem like we are bragging, but we wanted to talk about the things that are good and meaningful and give us joy, like going snowboarding or going to Paris. We don’t want to seem elitist. And we didn’t want to wallow in pain. We want to give kids hope for a future life that has pleasure and joy and family.
Q.How is the channel going to work?
A.We want people to post their own videos and send me a link. I can select them and add it to the page. The Web site is It’s going to be interesting to see what comes in. I don’t want it to be “lifestyles of the gay and fabulous.” What we want to say to kids is that if you don’t win the economic lottery, and most people don’t, you can have a good and decent and fun life that brings love.
Q.The first line of your video is, “High school was bad….” What kinds of things did you and your partner have to deal with in high school and middle school?
A.It was late grade school that was hard for me. I was really different, my head was in the clouds. I liked musicals. I didn’t make friends or hang out with people. Then I found theater. I got picked on a lot, even by teachers too. I liked to listen to musicals and bake, and my homeroom teacher found out and mocked me in front of the whole class for baking. I got beat up a couple of times in the schoolyard. It’s nothing compared to what Terry went through. He was beat up every day, stuffed into bathroom stalls. He could barely walk down the halls without being attacked. His parents went and spoke to the administrators and were told that they wouldn’t do anything so long as he insisted on acting the way he acted and walking the way he walked and talking the way he talked, and he was bringing it on himself.
Q.Would hearing from gay adults that your life eventually would get better have helped you back then?
A.It did help me. When I was in high school I got involved in the fringe theater scene in Chicago, and I met some openly gay people. I could see that it got better, that they were happy and loved and supported. I saw with my own eyes that it got better.
Q.Have you heard from any teenagers yet since posting the first video this week?
A.I’ve heard from bunches. I’ve gotten 3,000 e-mails in the first 24 hours. The ones that are really moving are the ones from straight kids who are telling me that they are e-mailing the link to their picked-on gay classmates and friends who need to see it.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Son Week
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Why is a sports field more important than a hospital?
Why is a casino more important than a school?
Why can Australia rebuild a town in weeks after a hurricane and the US can’t in 5 years?
Why has President Obama only been given 2 years to fix the previous 8 years of fuck ups?
Why are our teenagers still dying in wars that a druggie president started?
Why are hatemongering bigots like Limbaugh and Beck thought of as newsworthy and Bill Maher others that question the ‘right’ are considered comedians?
Why did our government allow churches to take over … doesn’t that violate the constitution?
Why is it ok to take rights away from one group so another’s religious beliefs can be enforced when the constitution says we have separation of church and state?
Why does religious freedom apply only to certain religions?
Why do ‘Christian churches’ teach hatred and bigotry when Christ taught love and tolerance?
Why aren’t life situations and sexuality taught in schools … especially since parents were never taught and obviously don’t know what they are doing?
Why do ‘churches’ blame gays for the biggest problem in marriage while the real problem ... divorce is overlooked?
Why does a person’s color or sexuality make a difference in their rights? Doesn’t the constitution say ‘everyone is created EQUAL’?
I would challenge anyone to answer these questions HONESTLY… and not with some smartass BS. I have heard the line ‘cause GOD said so’ where does Jesus say hate one another or torture or kill anyone that is different.
Churches need an ‘enemy’ to survive, it seems … we had women’s rights in the 20’s then Jews then communists then blacks then gays and it is switching to immigrants or Muslims now. Who is the next target for hate?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
It's that time of year again! It is up to us to get off our cumfy asses and get out and VOTE!
If your state has a primary VOTE in it or live with the consequences! If our rights mean anything to you, if you don't live under a rock ... get out and VOTE.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
For Jeremy
Glimmering Star
Death came in the silence of the evening
a knock sending fear to the bone
He came looking for me alone
his ride had only room for one.
Better to leave this place,
and live now Forever.
Stand not at my grave and weep
For I'm the wind that stirs your soul
Look not for me for I'm not there
I'm the glint in flakes of snow
I'm the cool shower on April morn
In the hush of nights silent air
I'm the rush that that fills your soul
Stand not at my grave and weep
For I'm not dead
I'm with you at your side
When you feel the wind blow
I'm the sweet uplifting rush.
Look to the north
I'm the Glimmering star
Cry not for me
for I'm eternally yours.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
another JEREMY Update
This is from his mother ... My little sis Kelly....
Thank you to People In Crisis United (PICU). They put together a "party" for some of Jeremy's friends. They were able to come and have pizza, talk to a doctor and visit Jeremy. Thanks to my good friend Barbra Collins, the kids made their way to Miami on the tri-rail and metro-rail. I think it has been good for Jeremy. he moved his head several times while they were taking to him, and was breathing more on his own for them. As they were getting ready to head out they noticed that he was listening to the Beatles on his zune - and moms and girls struck up 'Love Me Do' to which he moved his head from one side to the other - then the guys sang "Yellow Submarine" for him. All in all a good day. I really feel that the love that his friends give him will help him so much. Thanks to all of you for coming!
Friday, July 16, 2010
A few Updates
Thursday, July 15, 2010
World Cancer Day
Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen
All you are asked to do is keep this circulating, even if it's only to one more person.
In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.
A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle..
And while you're at it.. Please remember Jeremy in his battle with Leukemia. His kidneys have finally begun to work again and today he gets a spinal and bone marrow treatment.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Update on Jeremy
Hey all ... here is an update on my nephew's condition. He had a very rough week of treatments .. so much so that they kept him asleep the entire time. He began Chemo on Wednesday and the wait has been to see if his liver and kidneys would start working again. He has been on dialysis all week also.
The word as of this morning.. monday.. is that they have shown signs of begining to work and his leukemia cell count has dropped dramatically. The chemo appears to be working !
He has a huge support group of family and friends ... but it is a long way to go yet and very expensive. If anyone knows any groups that will help the family in any way please contact me ( or my brother Mike (
To keep up with Jeremy's progress or to sign his guest book.. or any other info check his site at CaringBridge
Friday, July 9, 2010
Jeremy Gomez
A few months ago Jeremy, My 16 year old nephew, was your typical high school teen. He is a musician, a bit of an actor and good student. His mom and dad are both hard workers and provide for him nicely.
Then one day his teacher sent him home ... his color wasn't right ... kind of yellowish. My sister took him to the doctor and after a few tests found that his liver wasn't working right.
Luckliy for him. there was a transplant liver available for him. He had the surgery and was recovering well. Last week he began to feel bad again. He wasn't eating and was getting weak again. Another trip to the Hospital in Miami for him.
The Fourth of July he was admitted to PICU at Miami Childrens hospital... one more time. After a bunch of very uncomfortable and sometimes painful tests they came up with a diagnosis. Jeremy has ALL... Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia . He began chemo the next day. The doctors say with treatment and if things go right .. he has 3 months of intense treatments and then 3 years of continuing treatments. That means he will be in the hospital 70 miles from his home for 3 months.
I also learned today that they have him on dialysis.
He needs all the prayers and support that everyone can give him.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Happy Pride
Fourty-one years ago a raid on a gay bar in NY led to today's pride celebrations around the world. A lot has changed since then ... but a lot has not. There has been alot of blood shead to get us where we are today ... and it looks like it isnt over yet. As long as bigots and people who make up things in the name of a so called religious teaching are alowed to spread their hate ... we will never be totally free and equal.
Remember ... Stand tall and be PROUD ... and NEVER stop the fight for your rights!!
Take time to HUG someone and say "I Care"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Happy Aniversary to JOSHHY & RON
Joshhy and Ron
Celebrate their FIRST Month!
One month ago today (April 18, 2010) ...Joshhy and Ron decided to start dating...they had met a bit earlier and there was instant attraction ... Joshhy had seen Ron on cam but not in person... and when he did...sparks flew...and for a few weeks ... it seemed that there could be a battle as someone else wanted Ron as well. After some drama, things have finally settled down and the boys spend time together when ever they can. They make a great couple as they are very well meant for each other. Ron is a quiet reserved kind of guy while Joshhy can be the opposite at times but they have fun and that is what is important.
For their anniversary, Joshhy had told Ron the night before, that he didn't think he could get there, and Ron had settled to the fact that they would not be together that night. Joshhy was able to surprise Ron by showing up and brought not only flowers, but everything to make his favorite dinner!
I wish them all the best in the future and hope things will continue to develop and work out !
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Teddytoy Family Grows
Speaking of which.... the reason he was using the lube... he has a new boyfriend ... of course there had to be some drama involved. The young man .. RON .. is living in the CBL house where Josh used to live. One of the guys there decided that Ron was his property and no one could touch let alone talk to Ron with out his being there. Ron ... who is a very quiet reserved young man... was not comfortable with that and when Josh and he met there was instant chemistry between them. As you can imagine that was the beginning of a major drama event. The other guy would not give in nor would he listen to anyone, Until Ron blew up at him as well as the wrath of Joshhy rained down. Thank God that is over!
Ron was in the Army and was hurt on the job but no one there helped him get set up with the VA ... So I spent a full day with him at the local VA hospital getting things set up. He also at the same time had developed a chest infection from the mold in the CBL house. The civilian DR he saw gave him the wrong meds and he was getting sicker so I had him checked out at the VA and they finally got him on the right meds and he is now feeling great.
Ron and Joshhy are a great couple and they are very good compliments to each other. Where Ron is quite... Joshhy isn't, where Ron loves to read and clean... Joshhy loves to watch TV and Cook. Ron tends to be somewhat passive .. Joshhy is rather aggressive. I love watching them interact. Oh.. and get your minds out of the gutter... their private lives are just that PRIVATE ...I give them all the privacy and time they want.
I wish them all the best in their Lives!
A Special Wish
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Meet Joshy
I would like to introduce everyone to one of the sweetest and nicest young men I have ever met. This is Joshy.
We met Joshy as part of a cam house in our area called CBL. He has been working there for the last several months and his contract has come up and we have invited him to stay with us until things are ready for him to move ahead in his carreer. Joshy has not always had life easy as you can read on his blog.
Joshy has grown alot in his time here in Florida. When I first saw him he had just turned 18 and at times seemed more like 12. But as time passed he showed his willingness to learn and help out. He is always the first to help and is always willing to do what he can for the people he cares about. One example of his genorasity has been buying much of the food for their house out of his own pocket and doing most of the cooking for the boys. Cooking, by the way, is one of his favorite things.
Like most young men he has a bit of a temper at times and a slight stubborn streak ... but they are both very overpowered by his loving personality and that super smile that everyone who knows him loves.
Please take a few minutes to read his blog to see how HUGE his heart really is!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Please take a few seconds to click on the link below to vote for these great groups... vote here It doesn't cost a cent from you but a few seconds of your time and they could be eligable for the $1 million that Chase will be awarding soon!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
This is an idea how cold it has been here. The temps have been around 33 all day and are expected to go into the 20's tonight! I know this sounds warm to most snowbirds but for us it is freezing .. FL has no way to deal with snow or cold. Most houses have no 'furnace' as such.. they have a heat unit in thier AC systems that will warm the house a bit but not this much.