This is from his mother ... My little sis Kelly....
Thank you to People In Crisis United (PICU). They put together a "party" for some of Jeremy's friends. They were able to come and have pizza, talk to a doctor and visit Jeremy. Thanks to my good friend Barbra Collins, the kids made their way to Miami on the tri-rail and metro-rail. I think it has been good for Jeremy. he moved his head several times while they were taking to him, and was breathing more on his own for them. As they were getting ready to head out they noticed that he was listening to the Beatles on his zune - and moms and girls struck up 'Love Me Do' to which he moved his head from one side to the other - then the guys sang "Yellow Submarine" for him. All in all a good day. I really feel that the love that his friends give him will help him so much. Thanks to all of you for coming!
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