Your Voice Matters: Vote TuesdayAre you voting in the midterm elections for Congress on Tuesday? People who don’t want to let LGBT people serve openly in the military are voting. So are the folks who oppose marriage equality, or equal treatment of same-sex couples in the immigration system. They feel like their voice matters and should be heard. Do you feel the same way?
Every two years — and more often in some states and cities — Americans get a chance to weigh in on what kind of government they want, whose values will be incorporated into the laws we live under, and what issues will have priority in our national discourse. Are you making your voice a part of that process?
Perhaps you registered to vote for the first time in 2008 — or the first time in a long time, anyway. Maybe you’re disappointed in the slow pace of progress on LGBT equality — and so are we. But dropping out of the process now is a sure-fire way to make sure that progress stalls completely, or worse yet, is reversed.
Cast your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 2, with LGBT equality in mind.
Don’t remember where your polling place is, or how long it’s open? You can use this special search engine provided by Vote411.org. Your voice is your most powerful tool in erasing hate. Please put it to good use!
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