Friday, January 4, 2013

A Long Ten Months...

Ten months ago I was greeted at my front door by a local Sherif's Deputy with one of the most pathetic looking young men in tow. He brought Joshhy to us, straight from the Hospital. After being beaten, shot and robbed.
After 10 months of hospital and doctors visits not to mention courts, Joshhy has reached some of his goals.. He has a full time job, he begins college in a few days, and he will be moving into his own place. He may need more surgery on his arm in a few months, but he is doing great. He still needs surgery on his ear as he has permanent damage to it and reduced hearing.
It's been a 10 month learning and growing experience for him. He is definitely not the same young man he was a year ago. Today he is confident and stronger and more positive than ever. He has set goals and is gradually reaching them. When asked how he is doing.. he responds "I'm alive" with a smile.
I've never felt prouder of him!

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