It's been a month now since I read a horoscope saying that an event would occur that would change not only mine but several persons lives would happen. At 2:30 on the afternoon of February 9th there was a knock on my door... A Detective from the local sherifs department brought a very sad and hurt Josh to our door and asked if we knew him and if we could give him a place to stay. I was shocked to see how he looked. Those big puppy dog brown eyes were glazed over and looking very blank. He was still in shock and in pain. All he wanted to do was lay down and sleep.
One month later, It's been a very busy month. Several trips to the ER and a stay in the hospital for a few days, not to mention 2-3 Doctors appointments a week. They are not over and won't be for some time to come.
There have been many changes in the last month.His Parents drove down to see him and offer some help and needed love. His family has become much closer. They've gone back but stay in touch. It was a nice visit. A few friends have helped him. One did a lot but had strings attached. Others have helped him in various ways. Some sent money, some sent food, some sent clothes and other things he needs. Most of his clothes were ruined. His job is gone, he couldn't call in while he was in the ER bleeding so he was listed as no call-no show-no rehire. His apartment is gone, he is staying with us as long as he needs. He has found out who cares for him and who doesn't. There is some emotional damage but he is working on that. He is a very different person in many ways, but still has his sense of humor and caring for others that has only intensified.
When asked how he is.. he smiles and says "I'm alive" and if he gets a quizzical look he continues "Two more inches and I don't know where I'd be."

A very special Thank You to all who have helped in any way.. it is very much appreciated!

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