Did anyone hear the pope's message? He actually said there was too much 'glitz and glamor' in Christmas! Look at what he has in his hands.. 24" of solid gold chalice encrusted with platinum and diamonds! Yes those other chalices and candelabra are also solid gold ... not plated. His robes have actual gold metal threads decorating them!
His message also included a 'prayer' for the poor, as he sits in a gold encrusted palace with servants and limousines and gold trimmed moving platforms for him to stand on so he doesn't have to walk.
All the while this is going on, they are running expensive commercials on TV begging you to 'come back.' And spending millions fighting against rights.
Where in anyone's version of the bible does it say to worship with gold and jewels?
Yes come back to the Catholic Church.. the epitome of hypocrisy.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
My Christmas Hopes....

This is the time of the year that it doesn't matter about where you are from,
what you look like, what you wear, wether you are living with birth family, chosen family, or alone, if you are rich or poor, what religion you are or aren't, if you are straight, gay or somewhere between. It doesn't matter what your political beliefs are or how old you are.
What matters is that you help someone else - who didn't ask.
What matters is that you be kind to someone else - who was having a bad time.
What matters is that you do something nice for someone else - who wasn't expecting it.
What matters is that you Pay It Forward - without expecting it back.
Have a Fantastic Holiday!

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Chic-Fil-A .... hummmm
This is from John Paul's blog....(the link is below)
December 5th, 2011 at 11:01PM
An Open Letter to Chick-Fil-A
To Chick-Fil-A, Truett Cathy, and the WinShape Foundation:
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you saying that I can no longer, in good conscience, patronize your establishment. Nor can I partake of your delicious, succulent, juicy chicken.
I mean, I would like to. Oh trust me, I would! But the beef (ha!) I have with you isn’t about your chicken. Your chicken is actually quite good. Your ongoing support of anti-gay organizations and hate groups, however, is what has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
I mean, I would like to. Oh trust me, I would! But the beef (ha!) I have with you isn’t about your chicken. Your chicken is actually quite good. Your ongoing support of anti-gay organizations and hate groups, however, is what has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
I had deduced that your business was religious - meaning I noticed it was always closed on Sundays and I just sort of guessed. And that’s fine. I live in Oklahoma and I know plenty of Christian businesses who do the same thing. That much never bothered me.
I never really knew what Chick-Fil-A’s opinion of gays was, but I probably wouldn’t have cared. You are free to have whatever rampantly bigoted views you choose to hold, and I have the right to call them just that. If one of the Chick-Fil-A cows were a homophobe, I’d hope he’d have the common courtesy to at least keep that to himself and we would be fine.
But then you had to do it to me. You just had to push me away. You went and donated $2 million, money that customers like me helped youmake, to anti-gay organizations like the Pennsylvania Family Institute. These are people who have said that striking down Prop 8 was a direct hit to human civilization. They’ve said same-sex marriage threatens children, hurts families, and punishes society by caving in to a radical sexual revolution.
I’ve checked your tab, and apparently that’s not the only anti-gay organization you support:
- Marriage & Family Legacy Fund: $994,199
- Focus On The Family: $12,500
- Exodus International: $1,000
Oh, that Exodus International one is a low blow, Chick-Fil-A, because that group’s entire purpose is to eliminate and “cure” homosexuality like it’s a mental disorder.
And then you sent out a message saying you’re not anti-gay and that you respect LGBT people. But then, well, this:
That’s an odd definition of respect. And you’re absolutely sure you’re not anti-gay?
Come on, just admit you don’t like me. It’s pretty obvious. You’ve given money to organizations who are actively trying to make sure I don’t get to enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples. You have helped fundhate groups who, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, are listed right alongside the KKK.
So I think you’ve made it pretty clear how you feel. Now here’s how I feel.
I refuse to spend my money at a business that supports hate, and I encourage others to do the same.
Maybe you think a small number of people boycotting won’t make much of a difference. And, you know, that may be true.
But when I think that even so much as a penny, a single freaking penny of my money went to Exodus International and helped fund their sick, perverse practices of “curing” gay people, it breaks my heart.
It makes me physically ill to think that a single cent of the money I paid to eat your chicken goes to a hate group who clearly disagrees with my very existence. And when I think, even for a second, that I have in any way helped a group who is trying to undermine my civil rights… well, it makes me want to puke.
And suddenly, I’m not so hungry anymore. No matter how tasty the chicken might be.
But hey, if you meant what you said about not being anti-gay, and if you’re half as Christian as you claim to be, then I’ve got a proposition for you.
Homelessness among LGBT youths is rampant, and charities and churches all over America are struggling to provide them with food, shelter, and a positive environment. Even if you think their sexual orientation is a choice, they are still human beings - and they are suffering.
Here’s one organization that could sure use some help:
And even if you don’t feel like giving a monetary donation… I bet those homeless teens could really go for some free chicken.
Just a thought.
I certainly hope that you have read all of this and heard me out. I also hope that, one day, I may again enjoy one of your chicken sandwiches with extra pickles and waffle fries. It was my favorite!
Until Chick-Fil-A stops supporting these hate groups, however, my morals will simply not allow it.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
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