It 's been a while, so I thought I'd bring everyone up to date on life in Teddy's world.
Joshhy has moved in with his aunt in Michigan for school. I hope he is able to do well there. Joe, another friend of ours is staying with us until he is able to get his own place. Joe works a couple of jobs and is a rather busy young man. He is really friendly, but doesn't know how to cook .... we're teaching him tho.
Both William and I are doing great. We are stocking up on storm supplies. We're just waiting to see what Irene is going to do. One moment she is headed towards Florida the next she is moving east of here then later back to us. In any case she is HUGE and moving WNW. She is expected to become a cat 4 and that is bad no matter where she goes.

I recently met a young man Ryan on his blog. He is a young guy with a BF and a really huge heart. He lives at home with his mom, brother and BF. His blog comments are always very interesting and shows how much he cares about the things he believes in. He works for an animal rescue center and loves his work. Please take a few minutes to check out his blog here.