First the Good....
Will Phillips is eleven. He wants to be a lawyer when he grows up. And he knows gay people.
it's because of his family's friendships with gay people that Will and his family have become straight allies for the LGBT community. They go to Pride parades, stand up for their LGBT neighbors and are upset that the right to marry and adopt are not available to the gay community.
With all that he's seen, Will saw a problem with the Pledge of Allegiance.
After asking his parents whether it was against the law not to stand for the pledge, Will decided to act, and on October 5th, when the other kids in his class stood up to recite the pledge of allegiance, he stayed seated. The teacher, a substitute that day, tried to get him to stand, but he refused. And he refused the next day, too.
“She got a lot more angry and raised her voice and brought my mom and my grandma up...I was fuming and was too furious to really pay attention to what she was saying. After a few minutes, I said, ‘With all due respect, ma'am, you can go jump off a bridge.' ”
He was sent to the principal's office, who called his mother. And when she learned that her son was being punished for refusing to stand for the pledge--something even the principal admitted was within the boy's rights--she demanded that the teacher apologize to her son.
The principal did not agree.
Well, word got around about the eleven-year-old Arkansas boy who won't stand until there is "liberty and justice for all."
And now the UGLY.....

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington D.C. announced on Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn't change a proposed same-sex marriage law.
That's right. The Catholics will take away all the aid, both financial and otherwise, to homeless shelters, adoption agencies, and health care, if the gays in D.C. can get married. see, if marriage equality happens in D.C. the church might then be forced to work with gay people and they won't have that.
How fucking Christlike. But why else can we expect from a church that pays off victims of child abuse and hides away pedophiles in their own midst.
How dare they call themselves men and women of God, when they seek to punish innocent bystanders because of a law they don't like?
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