It was about 8:40AM as I watched GMA...when the world changed. The whole world was soo different before. The economy was still good. There was no war. True the person at 1600 was the lowest rated resident there ... ever. There was more than 10,000 innocent people alive, that have been killed in the name of politics.
Seven years later, we still do not have answers to much of what happened ... or why. Was the attack totally arranged and put together by one man in a small country halfway around the world? Or was it part of a huge plot to make someone more popular? Or a combination of both? Why was that resident of 1600 hiding in Centeral Florida? Why did the "leader" of the free world run and hide in caves instead of standing up and taking charge. Why do the scenes of the

A lot of questions that will never be answered......
Where were you that tragic morning?
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1 comment:
Aww that is so true daddy. As I was heading over the bridge today on my way to the court house for jury duty the local chapter of the Lions was all standing along side the bridge holding American Flags tehre so many of them from the begging of the bridge to the end as i got to the bridge to the end I was crying I was so moved. Than The judge dissmised us all cause of today and closed the day out with how many people died how many kids no long have parents at all how sad it was
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