Saturday, October 30, 2010
From Military.com comments on DaDt
Oh dear Lord; I beseech you to be understanding of my inability to see the forest for the trees. I pray that you will not rain down your eternal wrath on my stiff necked pride and my inability to understand your great plan. Oh Lord I accept that you are the author of all the aspects of my life; like Job I know I must accept that you have permitted the vicissitudes of this existence to test my faith, I am slowly beginning to understand that many of the things I learned at my father's knee are questionable, even those he taught me from his incomplete understanding of holy scripture. Dear Heavenly Father I am beginning to understand that no man can know Your eternal plan; that you have provided me with a mind to began to fathom the secrets of Your Divine will, I pray oh Lord that you will forgive my rushing to judgment of others you have created even though in my ignorance I cannot reconcile that creation with Holy Scripture. Oh God your Son commanded that I judge not lest I be judged; I pray for the wisdom to be tolerant, understanding and not afraid of any your creations in all their infinite differences. Oh Lord I know I have violated your trust when I have rushed to judgment; I ask for forgiveness that I may be a better and more understanding human in your sight. Amen
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It Gets Better!
Believe me... it does get better! This is fantastic.. Even the President is getting involved!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Will you help or be part of the problem?

I was on the Savage Love site again and after over 250 comments I had to ad this....
Ok … we are off on another tangent again and off subject. KIDS DYING! All most of us do is sit back and blame the other guy. I am not defending the religious bigots by any means. I am saying look in the mirror first. When was the last time you saw a queeny guy walking and shrugged in disgust mumbling “lil fag” or saw a young girl with short hair and denims and thought “dyke” ??? The anti-gay movement wins every time you do that. Until the gay community unites and stops arguing semantics more Kids and adults will die … and if you aren’t doing something positive to help… you are just as guilty of murder as their church and parents.
There are several ‘online’ groups trying to help. We used to have a worldwide voice of gays in MCC which has been mysteriously silent recently. Groups like the Trevor Project and the Matthew Sheppard Foundation are trying to reach out but are limited by finances and overall lack of support from the gay community. I got involved more than 20 years ago when I took in a young guy who had been abandoned by his ‘christian’ parents. This problem is not new just more open. He and I tried to start something then to help but met more resistance than you can imagine, mostly from our own community. “I can’t come out now” “I can’t be bothered now” “it’s not my problem” Ever say that? If so.. You contributed to a death. Sound harsh? Think about the kids that die. So far … 2 out of over 200 have made any type of effort to help. Not a very good average but typical. And that is why we are losing to them.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gays on the teen suicide issue

OK after reading over 200 comments on the Savage Love site ... we need to agree on one thing. We need to do something about bullying and teen suicides. The comments there have done exactly what the anti-gay movement wants us do do. As always, we end up arguing semantics till everyone looses interest. THE ISSUE IS BULLYING AND SUICIDE. We need to get off our asses and DO SOMEHING NOW! It doesnt matter what you look like or think..what matters are KIDS DYING!
Congratulations to DAN for getting involved!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
From Glee ...Support for the Trevor Project
If you want to make a difference.. text the word KIND to 85944 to donate $5 to the Trevor Project thru ELLEN
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